Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Dumb 0.0 idea

Hello I've decided to publish a stupid idea I had a couple weeks ago. The whole fields to burn concept seemed pretty popular when it was mentioned at fanfest and so did a better 0.0 economy. I really wanted to make a new 0.0 economy mechanic. I also wanted the segments of the economy easy to attack but also pretty profitable.

 The most important realization was that its hard to mine for as many hours in 0.0 as you can in empire (because eventually someone comes along to attack you). In empire you could bot or just semi afk mine for 23 hours a day. Clearly you would need to be able to mine large amounts of materiel  more quickly in 0.0 to be competitive.

As it stood the problem was that you could do this pretty safely and just farm a bunch of minerals. As a result the new mining mechanic would be highly limited as to how frequently you could use it. In addition there would be a timer counting down to when you could mine and that timer would be visible on the world map. This would hopefully make it so that roving gangs could easily target these mining operations. Even if you don't catch any ships if you make them miss their opportunity window you've cost them money (hence fields to burn).

Here is the idea in full its 4 pages and pretty verbose be warned!